Saturday, February 15, 2025

Rafael Minervino’s 1999 Honda Integra TYPE R 98 SPEC-R

Owner: Rafael Minervino – Instagram: @rhminervino
1999 Honda Integra TYPE R 98 SPEC-R – Location: Santo Domingo / República Dominicana
Photographer: @inopascual

Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car?
I bought it from a good friend, who was not using it

Honda Integra With Rims

Was there more work on your car than you anticipated? Did you find a bucket of wiring worms, find some secret hidden problems…..
It was in excellent condition 48,400km, almost like new.

Honda Integra Rear End

Are there any unique mods on your car? Hyper-rare parts, custom made parts…
rare parts, mugen rear view mirror cover, js’racing mudguard, mugen intake, ecu mine’s, hks exhaust, tein driver master coilovers, function7 lca,

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Honda Integra Front lip

Would you consider your car done in its current form? Or do you have a list of “to dos” still left?
There are always changes, it is something that I like the most, I have several pieces to change, such as spoilers, bumpers, front lip…

Honda Integra Engine bay

What is the biggest problem you ran into on your build?
Change to lhd.

Honda Integra Interior

If you had to do it again, would you build the same car?
yes definitely the same, maybe other modifications, but yes

Honda Integra Headlights

Are you apart of a club or crew with your car?
I am not part of any team, I like to do things on my own, even if I get together with all the teams

Honda Integra Wing

Is there any part/mod on your car you had to do a few times, or installed and then removed?
the exhaust, first I put a mugen twin loop and then I liked the hks more

What is your favorite part on your car?
Front fenders and kevlar spoon style front lip

Build Report
Intake mugen
Cams skunk2 tuner 2
Férrea valve kit
Ecu mine’s
Hks exhaust
Field vtec bóxer series 2
Vms fuel regulator
Vms fuel press gauge
NGK blue spark plus
AEM fuel raíl
Energy suspensión engine mount inserts

Suspensión and wheels
Asr rear sway bar
Tein driver máster coilovers
17×8 killer wheels enkei rpf1 style
205/40/17 falken azenis
Function7 lca

J’s racing fenders
Azect side skirts
Rear honda access valance
Front lip spoon style kevlar
Front lip spoon style carbon fiber
Front lip spoon style frp
Pasword jdm kevlar scoop
Pasword jdm gurney flap kevlar
Pasword jdm t2c scoop
Vis invader kevlar hood
Mugen gen2 wing
Asr rear tow hook
TYC spoon mirror style blue lens lhd
Honda access window visors

Momo monte Carlos 350mm steering wheel
Sickspeed steering wheel neochrome bolts
EDM 260km cluster
Mugen genuine pedals
Mugen mirror cover
Miracle x bar genuine

The Import Sauce Team
The Import Sauce Team
The ImportSauce team is responsible for scouting new rides, and getting them published to our website, our social media, and even making those cool teaser videos you see on Insta and YouTube.

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