Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Cleanest Modified Acura Builds on the Planet – Acura Parts Reviews, Acura Tech and so much more…

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Andrew Klingler’s 2007 Acura TL-S

Owner: Andrew Klingler - Instagram: @s_lowtl 2007 Acura TL-S - Location: Gilbert, Arizona, USA “Ride with me, do anything but lie to me” Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? Nope. Dealership bought. Was there...
Rafael Minervino's 1999 Honda Integra TYPE R 98 SPEC-R

Rafael Minervino’s 1999 Honda Integra TYPE R 98 SPEC-R

Owner: Rafael Minervino - Instagram: @rhminervino 1999 Honda Integra TYPE R 98 SPEC-R - Location: Santo Domingo / República Dominicana Photographer: @inopascual Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? I bought it from a good...
Joseph Hernandez Hidalgo’s 2001 Acura integra G-SR

Joseph Hernandez Hidalgo’s 2001 Acura integra G-SR

Owner: Joseph Hernandez Hidalgo - Instagram: @basicdc2 2001 Acura Integra G-SR - Location: Waco Texas, USA Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? I blew the motor to my last car and wanted...
Jack Encarnacion Joga's Acura Integra

Jack Encarnacion Joga’s 1997 Acura Integra

Owner: Jack Encarnacion Joga - Instagram: @killer_dc4 1997 Acura Integra - Location: Santo Domingo - República Dominicana Photographers: @jjsuero Solo night driving Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? After much searching, a friend told...
Andre Penso's 2002 Acura RSX

Andre Penso’s 2002 Acura RSX

Owner: Andre Penso - Instagram: @kookoo_k20 2002 Acura RSX - Location: Culpeper, VA, USA Photographer: @khantrarystudios Do what makes you happy Was there more work on your car than you anticipated? Did you find a bucket of wiring...
Maddie Leslie's 1992 Acura Integra

Maddie Leslie’s 1992 Acura Integra

Owner: Maddie Leslie - Instagram: @stvticmaddie 1992 Acura Integra - Location: NS, Canada Photographers: @_nova_series_ @verractu @abrake_photography @stvticchrissy Drag, don’t bag. Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? Bought it off an older lady out...

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Kris Gomez's 1990 Acura Integra

Kris Gomez’s 1990 Acura Integra

Owner: Kris Gomez - Instagram: @kris18x 1990 Acura Integra - Location: Texas, USA Are there any unique mods on your car? Hyper-rare parts, custom made parts... Fully built 1.8 LS vtec with a short geared YS1 transmission...
Shaun Manyvong's 1997 Acura Integra

Shaun Manyvong’s 1997 Acura Integra

Owner: Shaun Manyvong - Instagram: @shaunstegtho 1997 Acura Integra - Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? I️ found the car on Craigslist 100% original from a older...
Maxim Schmidt's 2010 Honda Accord Type S

Maxim Schmidt’s 2010 Honda Accord Type S

Owner: Maxim Schmidt - Instagram: @max_cu2 2010 Honda Accord Type S - Location: Germany
@_05tsx_joe's 2005 Acura TSX

Joseph Padilla’s 2005 Acura TSX

Owner: Joseph Padilla - Instagram: @_05tsx_joe 2005 Acura TSX- Location: Nevada, USA Photographer: @awaken_media Life is not measured bye how many breaths we take but by the moments that take our breaths away Was there more work on...
@jma.tsx's Acura TSX

Jose Mozo-Alfaro’s 2012 Acura TSX

Owner: Jose Mozo-Alfaro  - Instagram: @jma.tsx 2012 Acura TSX - Location: Herndon, Virginia Photographer: @Visuolset There no need for control when you can just be Are there any unique mods on your car? Hyper-rare parts, custom made parts... Custom...

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Jeff Martinez's 2007 Acura TL Type S

Jeff Martinez’s 2007 Acura TL Type S

Owner: Jeff Martinez - Instagram: @bagged.tls.jeff 2007 Acura TL Type S - Location: Washington, USA Photographer: @Slvmmed_visualz If you had to do it again, would you build the same car? I would, it’s a fun car to build...
Acura TSX CL9 modded

Justin Ramirez’s 2004 Acura TSX CL9

Owner: Justin Ramirez - Instagram: @jay.cl9 2004 Acura TSX - Location: Bronx, New York Are there any unique mods on your car? Hyper-rare parts, custom made parts... Everything on the vehicle are well known name brand parts...
@themosthatedtsx's Acura TSX

Jose Arias’s 2007 Acura TSX

Owner: - Instagram: @themosthatedtsx 2007 Acura TSX - Location: North Brunswick, USA Everything, I love everything Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? None at all. Was there more work on your car than you...
@jadedteg's 1998 Acura Integra

Diego Perez’s 1998 Acura Integra

Owner: Diego Perez  - Instagram: @jadedteg 1998 Acura Integra - Location: Illinois, USA Speed Heals Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car? Nope I just got lucky finding someone who is selling theirs on...
@generic_ass_sal's Acura TL

Saul Mendez’s 2006 Acura TL

Owner: Saul Mendez - Instagram: @generic_ass_sal 2006 Acura TL - Location: Anaheim California, USA Build what makes you happy Was there more work on your car than you anticipated? Did you find a bucket of wiring worms,...