Owner: Steven Dunkin III – Instagram: @smdtre
1990 Honda CRX – Location: Biloxi, Mississippi, USA
“If you ain’t first. You’re last”
Was there any unusual circumstances around how you acquired your car?
17th birthday gift. My first car.
Are there any unique mods on your car? Hyper-rare parts, custom made parts…
I have clear Stanley taillights that are super rare.
Would you consider your car done in its current form? Or do you have a list of “to dos” still left?
Of course not. Still want to do the engine bay and get the stance right where I want it with 3 piece wheels.
What is the biggest problem you ran into on your build?
Things breaking after lowering it more and more.
If you had to do it again, would you build the same car?
Are you apart of a club or crew with your car?
Yes. Shoreside. It gives me motivation for a clean build seeing my peers with theirs.
Is there any part/mod on your car you had to do a few times, or installed and then removed?
Yes. The sound system in the back. Have to take it out to get to my rear coilovers. It’s a process.
What is your favorite part on your car?
The sound system and height.
What’s the best memory you had in your car?
Driving the car after first lowering it.