Thursday, January 23, 2025

James Lee-broun’s 2006 Toyota Crown Majesta

Owner: James Lee-broun – Instagram: @vip3uz_majesta
2006 Toyota Crown Majesta – Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Photographer: Sam Parsons Photography

Would be my own about my car and that is, does the job for the daily

Toyota Crown Majesta

Was there more work on your car than you anticipated? Did you find a bucket of wiring worms, find some secret hidden problems…..
Just a tad, when my painter started body work and realised there had already been some body work previously done.

Modified Toyota Crown Majesta

Are there any unique mods on your car? Hyper-rare parts, custom made parts…
Just the custom headlights and tail lights

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Would you consider your car done in its current form? Or do you have a list of “to dos” still left?
For now yes its done and I’m enjoying just driving it,

Toyota Crown Majesta On Air Suspension

What is the biggest problem you ran into on your build?
Shipping, with covid the hold ups with getting parts ex japan took a lot longer then hoped for/ expected.

Toyota Crown Majesta Front End

If you had to do it again, would you build the same car?
Um, I would go similar but some parts I would change out for others and maybe add a couple of extra things.

Toyota Crown Majesta With Rims

The Import Sauce Podcast

Are you apart of a club or crew with your car?
Yeah I associate with Ookamigumi and also GROUND ZERO, but neither group had any influence on my car.

Toyota Crown Majesta On Air Suspension

Is there any part/mod on your car you had to do a few times, or installed and then removed?
Um I have altered the ss kit multiple times to work with different wheel combos so I could get maximum low.

Lowered Toyota Crown Majesta

What is your favorite part on your car?
I’m gonna go with my front bumper as it changes the look of the car quite a bit.

Toyota Crown Majesta

What’s the best memory you had in your car?
Just the random adventures with my friends where we just jump in the car and go for a drive.

Toyota Crown Majesta Front End

Build Report
19×9.5 et20 DTM GT37-V wheels
40mm front 50mm rear ss kit
Data systems airbag controller
Black pearl style front bumper
Custom headlights
Custom taillights
Modofied wing mirrors
Fibreglass vented front guards
Rear bumper and lip ex japan
Tinted windows
Custom paint

The Import Sauce Team
The Import Sauce Team
The ImportSauce team is responsible for scouting new rides, and getting them published to our website, our social media, and even making those cool teaser videos you see on Insta and YouTube.

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